Presentation - AMSSNuR

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AMSSNuR places, at the strategic level, a particular interest in cooperation and partnership development with Moroccan and foreign organizations by ensuring the development of its national and international partnership network with the objective of implementing cooperation strategies.

The Kingdom of Morocco, a Member State of the IAEA since 1957, is committed to joining and implementing various strategies such as operational transparency, non-proliferation, and security.
The Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security (AMSSNuR) requests the technical assistance of the IAEA in all its fields of activity (nuclear and radiological safety and security, radiological emergency management, nuclear safeguards, communication with the public and stakeholders, management of a regulatory authority, etc.).
In order to position itself as a regulatory authority that meets international standards, AMSSNuR has adopted a regulatory framework that enables the consolidation of the existing legal arsenal related to nuclear and radiological safety and security and the translation of the Kingdom’s commitments at the international level into legislative texts and regulations.

AMSSNuR’s Achievements


including training workshops

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Staff Training

Meet the needs of professional development

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Cooperation projects

National and International Cooperation Strategies

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  • Events during 2020
  • MoU under development

AMSSNuR plans to organize events in 2020 as part of its human capacity-building program, ranging from workshops to expert missions and meetings. AMSSNuR’s commitment is in line with its strategy of implementing the international guidelines recommended by the IAEA and its ambition to establish itself as a regional leader.

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