National Cooperation Networks - AMSSNuR


AMSSNuR aims to implement national, regional, and international cooperation strategies in line with its strategic orientations by ensuring the development of its national, regional, and international partnership network, its image capital, and its reputation as an independent, effective, credible, and transparent regulatory body.

Aware of the importance of collaborative work within national cooperation networks as a locomotive for the development of its activities, AMSSNuR organizes several events, in collaboration with the IAEA, the EU, and other foreign partners, of which all departments and bodies concerned with nuclear and radiological safety and security in Morocco have benefited.

Of a global nature, these activities focused on the development of a national library of nuclear forensics, the establishment of a national strategy for theoretical and practical training in nuclear safety and security, nuclear safety and safeguards inspections, radiological emergency communication, promotion of the nuclear safety convention, development of safety plans, safeguards for nuclear material in non-nuclear fuel cycle applications, and safety culture.

AMSSNuR intends to pursue its knowledge sharing and dissemination activities with national stakeholders, strengthen the work of the JRC and its working groups, and implement the national strategy for theoretical and practical training in nuclear and radiological safety and security, aimed at developing and maintaining national capabilities and knowledge in its areas of expertise over the long term.

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