Safety of the radioactive waste management - AMSSNuR

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Safety Convention for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Fuel

In line with the commitments made by our country at the level of the Joint Convention, ratified in 2001, AMSSNuR contributed, alongside the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco in Vienna, Austria, to the 6th meeting of the contracting parties held in Vienna from May 21 to June 1, 2018.

The Convention, which brings together seventy-eight Member States, is a powerful instrument for enhancing the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste worldwide through the process of evaluation by experts from the various contracting parties.

Under Article 32, the national report, prepared jointly by CNESTEN and AMSSNuR, covers the measures taken at the national level to meet each of the obligations, including policy directions and practices for the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel.

In addition to the criteria applied to define and classify radioactive waste at the national level, this report includes a list of the facilities available to the CNEM, operated by CNESTEN, for the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel.

The report also includes a national inventory of radioactive materials and wastes covered by the Joint Convention.

At the end of this sixth meeting, the Moroccan delegation, chaired by the Director General of AMSSNuR, unanimously received the congratulations of the other participants for the efforts undertaken by the Kingdom of Morocco both on the regulatory side and on the infrastructure side to ensure a high level of nuclear safety for radioactive waste and spent fuel.


National Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Safety Policy and Strategy:

AMSSNuR has developed the National Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Policy and Strategy, which sets out the state commitments and responsibilities of stakeholders, including the Agency, the CNESTEN, and waste producers.

Safety regulations for the management of radioactive waste, disused radioactive sources and spent fuel

The texts related to the safety of radioactive waste management submitted to the Head of Government for approval deal with:
The safe management of radioactive waste, disused radioactive sources, and spent fuel.
Radioactive waste characterization procedures
Exemption and release levels

Other draft texts are currently being prepared and are listed as follows: :

Technical regulations for the internal management of short-lived radioactive waste.
Order on radioactive waste classification criteria..

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