AMSSNuR’s mission is to ensure that nuclear and radiological safety and security, as well as activities and facilities involving sources of ionizing radiation, all comply with the provisions of Law No. 142-12 and related regulations.
AMSSNuR processes authorization applications, draws requirements and regulations, and authorizes the commissioning of activities and facilities using ionizing radiation sources, as well as Category I final storage facilities.
This is the first stage in AMSSNuR’s control check and includes all the specific conditions that need to be met, for example, when operating a facility or transporting radioactive substances.
AMSSNuR contributes to elaborating legislative and regulatory draft texts related to nuclear and radiological safety and security, draws up requirements and regulations that are approved by the Administration, and publishes best practice guides for operators as required.
AMSSNuR verifies compliance with the rules and requirements applicable to installations or activities involving sources of ionizing radiation.
The inspection represents the fundamental control activity of AMSSNuR; its objective is to verify that any operator fully assumes its responsibility and complies with the requirements of the regulations relating to nuclear and radiological safety and security, nuclear safeguards, and radiation protection to protect workers, patients, the public, and the environment from the risks of ionizing radiation.
In addition, AMSSNuR is implementing a national system of nuclear material accounting and control, as well as a national register of sources of ionizing radiation.
AMSSNuR may use the coercive measures and sanctions provided for by Law No. 142-12 to achieve compliance.
AMSSNuR advises and assists government authorities on subjects related to nuclear and radiological safety and security, including the establishment of a national system for the physical protection of nuclear materials and facilities and the national emergency response plan.
AMSSNuR assists the government in international negotiations in the areas of its competence and participates, at the request of the government, in Moroccan representation at the level of the international bodies concerned.
AMSSNuR establishes cooperative relations with similar organizations in other countries, as well as with international or regional organizations.
AMSSNuR takes the necessary steps to inform the public of the regulatory processes and safety aspects of the licensed activities and ensures the dissemination of information within its competence to the administrations concerned, as needed.
AMSSNuR acts in partnership with national organizations whose expertise is directly or indirectly related to AMSSNuR’s activities.
AMSSNuR continuously monitors radiological and nuclear safety and security, safeguards, and non-proliferation, as well as scientific, health, and medical matters concerning the effects of ionizing radiation on health, taking into account developments at an international level.
AMSSNuR encourages the establishment of a culture of safety and security at the level of licensed facilities and activities in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 142-12.