The legal framework governing the activities involving ionizing radiation sources in Morocco has been extensively reformed since the publication of Law No. 142-12 related to nuclear and radiological safety and security and the creation of AMSSNuR in 2014, which brought Moroccan law into a phase of transposition of the new safety standards and security recommendations established internationally by the International Atomic Energy Agency «IAEA». The transposition of these international standards and recommendations is mainly ensured in Morocco by Law No. 142-12 and its implementing texts, whose development and review have made significant progress, including Decree No. 2-20-131 of February 25, 2021,related to the authorizing and declaration of activities, installations, and ionizing radiation sources associated with falling within Category II, which was published on the 11th of March 2021 and enters into force on the 6th of June 2023 following the publication of its implementing orders provided in Articles 1 and 2 thereof, namely:
Law No. 142-12, subject to authorization or declaration to the Agency, states that any activity falling under Category II and involving a risk of exposure of persons to ionizing radiation arising from the use of an artificial source, whether they are substances or devices, as well as from a natural source, and also whether they are natural radioactive substances or materials containing natural radionuclides, is in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the said law.
These authorizations and declarations concern all applications of ionizing radiation generated by radionuclides or X-ray generators, whether for medical purposes, industrial or research activities, mining and ore processing, radioactive waste management, or the transport and transit of radioactive material other than nuclear material. These authorizations cover all life-cycle operations of activities and facilities, from the design phase to the decommissioning and dismantling phase for facilities presenting an environmental risk.
Decree No. 2-20-131 sets out regulatory provisions adapted to the national and international context, highlighting the different stages of the authorization and declaration processes, with particular emphasis on amendment and renewal of the authorization.
The text also highlights the specificities of activities to which additional provisions apply.
In compliance with the principle of a graded approach based on risk, the activities, facilities, and associated ionizing radiation sources whose radionuclide activity, dose rate, or radiation energy exceed the exemption levels are grouped into five radiological risk classes. The risks taken into account concern not only the exercise of the activity, but also malicious acts, from the establishment of the activity until its cessation. For this purpose, classes I to IV are subject to authorization, while class V is subject to declaration.
The main changes following the transposition of the IAEA standards and recommendations can be summarized as follows:
Applications for authorization and declarations should be submitted using the form available at
These files, accompanied by the required constitutive documents, should be submitted to the agency for review and assessment.
The authorization request (initial application, modification, renewal, cessation of activity) can be made online at,with effect from October 6, 2023. It will allow the filing of all the necessary information and supporting documents.
Holders of authorizations issued before the date of entry into force of the decree n° 2-20-131 are required to comply with the specific conditions prescribed by the authorization and to take the necessary measures to comply with the transitional provisions of the aforementioned decree.
The renewal of authorizations that have expired should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2-20-131, in the same way as the new applications relating to the authorizations rendered invalid because of the changes and modifications provided for in Section 53 of Law 142-12.
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Février, 2025
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