Nuclear Security - AMSSNuR

AMSSNuR est chargée d'approuver les mesures prises par les exploitants lors de la soumission de demandes d’autorisations, et de vérifier lors des inspections


The fundamental objective of nuclear security is to protect people and the environment from malicious acts (such as theft, diversion, or sabotage) against nuclear or other radioactive materials and associated facilities.

AMSSNuR is responsible for approving the measures taken by operators when submitting applications for authorizations and checking compliance with Law No. 142-12 and regulatory instruments adopted for its application to ensure the protection of nuclear and other radioactive materials against theft or sabotage during use, storage, or transport, as well as the protection of associated facilities against sabotage, in accordance with international nuclear security commitments, such as the Convention for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM) and its Amendment, as well as the relevant international recommendations.

Regulatory control of nuclear security covers several aspects, including security management at facilities housing nuclear or other radioactive materials, physical protection systems, personnel reliability, training, security culture, cybersecurity, and the security of sensitive information.

In addition, AMSSNuR works with relevant operators and national bodies to ensure that nuclear and other radioactive materials and associated facilities are adequately protected.

To this end, the Department of Nuclear Security and Safeguards (DSNGN), the entity in charge of nuclear security within AMSSNuR, is responsible, among other things, for:

  • Develop regulations, technical requirements, and guides on nuclear security and nuclear safeguards in consultation with the relevant stakeholders.
  • Provide regulatory oversight for nuclear security (licensing and inspection).

Contribute to and coordinate the implementation of the National Nuclear Safety System, in consultation with the relevant national players.

Set up, in coordination with the relevant ministerial departments, a response plan for security incidents involving nuclear or other radioactive materials.

Draw up a search plan for radioactive sources outside of regulatory control.

Participate in and monitor the achievements of international nuclear security cooperation programs.

Contribute to raising stakeholder awareness about nuclear security culture.



  • Regulatory development
  • Authorization and Inspection
  • Awareness and Security Culture
  • Training and Cooperation
Regulatory development

The provisions of Law No. 142-12 on nuclear security can only be ensured through a robust regulatory control system, which consists primarily of the establishment of a regulatory infrastructure.

AMSSNuR has developed:

  • A draft regulatory text on the security of radioactive sources.
  • A draft regulatory text on the physical protection of nuclear materials and facilities.
  • A draft regulatory text on the establishment of a national nuclear safety committee.
  • A draft guide to site security plans.
  • A draft national strategy for research and security of radioactive sources outside regulatory control.
  • A draft national nuclear detection strategy.
Authorization and Inspection

The nuclear security component is regularly considered in the approval application and regulatory inspection processes.

To do this, several procedures, checklists, and related documents dealing with the security component have been developed, knowing that the Integrated Management System (IMS) integrates the security function systematically into AMSSNuR’s all general authorization, inspection, and enforcement procedures.

Awareness and Security Culture

Aware of the important role of the human factor in the establishment of a robust and sustainable nuclear security regime, the national organizations concerned have all contributed to raising the awareness of their staff through national or international training.

Since its establishment, AMSSNuR has actively contributed to this approach, so it has chosen to focus on operators by organizing nuclear security awareness sessions. To this end, in March 2018, it organized a national training workshop entitled «From Nuclear Security Awareness to a Nuclear Security Culture» with the objectives of increasing user awareness of security culture and introducing self-assessment.

In addition, and as part of its participatory approach, AMSSNuR involved a panel of radioactive source users in the development of the security plan guide in January 2018.

In 2019, AMSSNuR organized a national workshop for users to present and evaluate the draft of the said guide. During this workshop, AMSSNuR collected comments and suggestions from participants in order to finalize the guide.

Pending the approval and entry into force of regulations on the security of radioactive sources, in 2017, AMSSNuR initiated an awareness campaign integrated into the inspection program relating to the safety of radiological facilities among holders of high-activity radioactive sources on the need to put in place security measures to prevent malicious acts involving this type of source.

Training and Cooperation

Training and information are essential components that AMSSNuR adopts to communicate new regulatory requirements and international nuclear security recommendations at the national, regional, and international levels:

  • At the national level: AMSSNuR organized, in collaboration with its international partners, namely the IAEA, USDoE, and Global Affairs of Canada, several training courses and national workshops on different topics related to nuclear security with the participation of several national departments and bodies.
  • At the regional level: AMSSNuR contributed to the training of professionals from African countries on nuclear security.
  • At the international level: AMSSNuR organized, in collaboration with the IAEA, the Third International Conference of Regulators on Nuclear Security, organized for the first time in Africa and the Arab world after a first edition in the United States in 2012 and a second edition in Spain in 2016. This event brought together more than 380 participants, representing 100 countries, including 35 African countries.
  • AMSSNuR is currently the point of contact for the International Convention for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, the IAEA Incident and Traffic Database (ITDB), and the IAEA Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP).

Current and future projects

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