Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Situations - AMSSNuR

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AMSSNuR Achievements

Regulation and launch of the SUNR-PNI development project

The regulatory text on the preparation and conduct of responses to nuclear or radiological emergencies for the implementation of the provisions of Act 142-12, was developed in close collaboration with the relevant ministerial departments and submitted to the General Secretariat of the Government for its approval.
Preparation of a document on the AMSSNuR policy on emergency preparedness and management, specifying the scope of the AMSSNuR in case of nuclear or radiological emergencies and its various missions in this field.
Establishment of an Ad-Hoc committee responsible for the development of the National Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Response Plan « SUNR-PNI ».

Establishment of a methodology for the development of the SUNR-PNI and its validation by the Ad-Hoc Committee.
In its participatory approach, AMSSNuR, in close collaboration with the select committee of the Ad-Hoc committee, has developed four core documents for the SUNR-PNI, namely: a national framework for the management of nuclear and radiological emergencies; a mapping of the hazards associated with facilities and activities in the event of a “SUNR” nuclear or radiological emergency; a planning basis; and an operational concept for SUNR management.
Weekly meetings are scheduled with the select committee to develop the SUNR-PNI project for presentation to the JRC for final validation.
Within the framework of AMSSNuR’s cooperation with the European Union and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the various documents dealing with the preparation and response to nuclear or radiological emergency situations have been revised in order to comply with the relevant international guidelines.


SUNR Simulation Exercises

Active participation of AMSSNuR in four national exercises organized by the Directorate General of Civil Protection for the simulation of radiological emergencies in four regions of the Kingdom.
Appointment of AMSSNuR as competent authority in the national territory within the meaning of the Early Notification and Assistance Conventions.
Active participation of AMSSNuR, in coordination with relevant national authorities, in two IAEA exercises, ConvEx-2d and ConvEx-2a to test the various aspects of the conventions on early notification and assistance in nuclear or radiological emergency situations.

Futur Projects

To strengthen the level of preparedness and response to SUNR at the national level, the following projects are part of the AMSSNuR action plan
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