The Law n°142-12 - AMSSNuR

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  • New features of Law No. 142-12
  • Scope of Law No. 142-12
  • Final provisions
  • Structure
New features of Law No. 142-12

Establishes an independent regulatory authority.

Prescribes safety, security, and radiation protection measures.

Provides for measures to implement the safeguards agreement.

Establishes a licensing and control system based on the graduated approach.

Provides for the development of a comprehensive set of regulatory texts for its full implementation.

Provides for the establishment of national radiological emergency response and physical protection plans.

Establishes public information and communication with stakeholders on safety-related aspects of licensed facilities and activities.

Provides detailed measures based on a graduated approach to administrative and penal sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the said law and the texts adopted for its application.

Scope of Law No. 142-12

Design, construction, commissioning tests, operation and maintenance, shutdown, and decommissioning of facilities.

Manufacture, acquisition, import, export, transport, transit, distribution, possession, use, free or paid transfer, storage, and disposal of ionizing radiation sources.

Radioactive waste management.

Extraction and processing of radioactive ores.

Final provisions

Determines the conditions for the entry into force of Law No.142-12.

Repeal the provisions of Law No.005-71 on protection against ionizing radiation.

Repeal the provisions of the 2nd and 3rd titles of paragraph 2 of article 2 of Law No.17-83 on the establishment of the CNESTEN

Set a deadline of five years for the drafting of regulatory texts implementing Law No.142-12.


Law No.142-12 contains 17 chapters and 187 articles covering the fields of nuclear and radiological safety and security.

Investigation and recording of offences and penalties.

The Establishment of the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security.

Final provisions related to the entry into force and application of Law No.142-12.

Consult Law°142-12

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