HR Policy - AMSSNuR

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Our human resources policy

To support its 2017-2021 strategic plan, the Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security, AMSSNuR, has drawn up a Human Resources Master Plan (Schéma Directeur des Ressources Humaines SDRH), a large-scale project that aims to:
Adopt an integrated, forward-looking human resources management policy aimed at developing the skills and professional ethics associated with the regulatory control mission.
Manage employees within the framework of a mobilizing staff status.
To provide new tools for managing and mobilizing teams in charge of operational action plans..


Human resources are at the heart of AMSSNuR’s long-term development plan. Within this framework, the agency is working on:

  • Implementing a human resources master plan based on IAEA recommendations and international best practices for developing the capacities of regulatory authorities;
  • Recruitment and integration programs for new recruits;
  • The adoption of a training program covering both professional and support aspects;
  • Use of the IAEA’s SARCoN tool to develop skills;
  • The identification of the agency’s jobs and associated skills, in preparation for the implementation of a Jobs and Skills Repository (JSR) specific to AMSSNuR.

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