Board of Directors - AMSSNuR

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In application of the provisions of Laws No. 142-12, No. 69-00 and the Moroccan Code of Good Governance Practices of Companies and Public Establishments (EEP), AMSSNuR is required to establish governance practices and anchor the values and principles of transparency, communication, and accountability. In accordance with Law 142-12, the Board of Directors of AMSSNuR is chaired by the Head of Government and composed of:


The Board of Directors also includes personalities recognized for their scientific, technical, and legal skills in the field of nuclear and radiological safety and security, appointed by the administration for a period of four years. Such persons must have no interest in an entity in charge of the promotion or use of nuclear energy, including sources of ionizing radiation. The procedure for appointing the members of the board of directors shall be laid down by regulation.

According to Article 176 of Law 142-12, the board of directors has all the attributions necessary for the administration of the agency. It shall settle, by its deliberations, the general questions concerning the agency, to this end, it shall:

Adopt the agency’s annual action program.

Adopt the agency’s annual budget, multi-year statements, and financing arrangements for its action programs, as well as the depreciation arrangements.

Approve the financial statements and decide on the appropriation of any profits.

Adopt the Agency’s organization chart, setting out the organizational structures and their responsibilities.

Adopt the Agency’s staff regulations, setting out the conditions of recruitment, remuneration, and career development of said staff.

Adopt the rules and regulations governing the award of contracts.

Set the conditions for issuing loans and recourse to other forms of bank credit, such as advances or overdrafts.

Fix the prices of services rendered by the agency, where applicable.

Adopt the agency’s internal regulations.

Approve the statutory auditor’s report, to which the board of directors entrusts the audit of the agency’s accounts.

Approve the annual report presented by the managing director.


The board of directors may delegate authority to the chief executive officer to settle specific matters.

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