Sûreté des installations nucleaires - AMSSNuR

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Nuclear Safety Convention

The Kingdom of Morocco, a Member State of the IAEA since 1957, is committed to adhering to and implementing various strategies such as operational transparency, non-proliferation, and security.

The Moroccan Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security (AMSSNuR) is seeking technical assistance from the IAEA in all its areas of activity (nuclear and radiological safety and security, radiological emergency management, nuclear safeguards, communication with the public and stakeholders, management of a regulatory authority, etc.).

In order to position itself as a regulatory authority that meets international standards, AMSSNuR has developed a regulatory framework that consolidates the existing legal arsenal related to nuclear and radiological safety and security, and translates the Kingdom’s international commitments into legislative and regulatory texts.

National nuclear safety policy

In connection with the promotion of the Nuclear Safety Convention and its provisions, and with the implementation of the recommendations of the INIR mission, AMSSNuR has prepared, in consultation with the members of the Reflection Committee on Nuclear Electronics and Seawater Desalination “CRED”, a draft national nuclear safety policy that has been reviewed by experts from the IAEA and the European Union “EU”.

This draft was presented at the seventh meeting of the Committee for Upgrading the Regulatory Framework for Nuclear and Radiological Safety and Security (CCR) for final approval before submission to the Head of Government.

The National Nuclear Safety Policy sets out the government’s long-term commitments to ensuring the safety of facilities and activities using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and for the country’s socio-economic development and will also enable the Kingdom of Morocco to contribute to the global nuclear safety regime.

The draft nuclear safety policy also sets out the responsibilities of the parties involved in an integrated and coordinated manner.

Contribution to the work of the Reflection Committee on Nuclear Electronics and Seawater Desalination (CRED)

As a regulatory authority for nuclear and radiological safety and security and a member of CRED, AMSSNuR has set up an action plan dedicated to the safety of nuclear facilities and the management of radioactive waste and spent fuel.

In its action plan, AMSSNuR has taken into account the recommendations of the INIR mission, carried out in 2015 by the IAEA at the request of the Moroccan government. The aim of this mission was to assess the national infrastructure needed to introduce nuclear power, which is considered an open, long-term option, into the national energy strategy.

-The recommendations concerning AMSSNuR’s missions include:

-The legislative and regulatory framework for the nuclear program,

-The development of a national nuclear safety policy, as well as

-A national policy,

-A strategy for the safety and management of spent fuel

-A strategy for the safe management of radioactive waste.

Nuclear safety regulations

Regarding the development of regulations relating to Category I facilities and activities, AMSSNuR has developed, as part of its participatory approach, a draft security decree and the authorization of this type of facility, which was submitted to the Head of Government in December 2019 for approval.

Other regulatory instruments and guides are being developed to implement the provisions of Law No. 142-12:

Guide to managing changes and experiences.
Guide on the criteria and procedures for reporting significant events.
Guide to the Integrated Management System.
Guide on operator training, qualification, requalification, and accreditation.
Order on the content and form of the periodic safety review, depending on the type of facility.
In order to improve the content of the annual operational safety report of the research reactor, AMSSNuR has also submitted to the CNESTEN a new guide for the preparation of the annual operational safety report for the Triga Mark II reactor and the other facilities of the Maamora Nuclear Studies Center.

Research reactor inspection

Since 2018, AMSSNUR has implemented a multi-year inspection program based on a graded and comprehensive approach established within the framework of cooperation with the IAEA and the recommendations of the research reactor code. This program consists of carrying out inspections on specific topics at regular intervals in order to verify the operator’s compliance with the conditions and limits defined in the operating license.

To implement the TRIGA MARK II research reactor inspection program and ensure a high level of safety at CENM, AMSSNuR has organized three regulatory inspections to date:

The first in April 2018 was dedicated to verifying nuclear safety conditions and the radiation protection program.

The second inspection conducted in April 2019 focused on follow-up to recommendations from the first inspection, maintenance, aging management, and radioactive waste management.

The third inspection, in October 2019, focused on follow-up to recommendations from previous inspections as well as the internal emergency plan.

To this end, inspection reports have been prepared, containing the various observations identified and the recommendations and suggestions for the CNESTEN.

Taken as a model for several countries with research reactors, this program has been the subject of training sessions organized with the IAEA, ANNuR, and other American and European partners. Its results were also presented at the International Conference on Research on Reactor Safety in Argentina.

Review of periodic safety reports

In accordance with current regulations, AMSSNuR analyzes and assesses periodic safety reports concerning:
Annual operating safety reports for CNEM facilities;
The annual environmental monitoring programme of the Maamora CNEM Nuclear Studies Centre site.
Summary sheets of the records of radioactive releases and measurements in the environment on a quarterly basis.
In response to the Department of Energy’s request for annual reports on the operational safety of CNEM facilities, the April 2019 inspection report was sent to the latter with an analysis of the documents provided by CNESTEN for the 2015, 2016, and 2017 financial years.

Other periodic reports submitted by this department and by the CNESTEN were analyzed and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 142-12, Decree 2-94-666 on the authorization and control of nuclear facilities, Order No. 2004-08 authorizing the operation of the CNEM, and the order authorizing the discharge of liquid and gaseous effluents from the CNEM under the CNESTEN.

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