Mai, 2025
Détails de l'événement
AMSSNuR takes part in the TC on IAEA Safety Standards The course is tailored for professionals (both young professionals and middle level managers) working in regulatory bodies, technical support organizations,
Détails de l'événement
AMSSNuR takes part in the TC on IAEA Safety Standards
The course is tailored for professionals (both young professionals and middle level managers) working in regulatory bodies, technical support organizations, operating organizations, and other organizations, who are involved in the drafting and review of IAEA safety standards or in the application of IAEA safety standards in their national regulatory systems or in day-to-day operations. It is also aimed at professionals in countries involved in IAEA peer reviews and advisory services or in national review missions.
For more informations:
12 (Lundi) 9 h 00 min - 16 (Vendredi) 12 h 30 min